This Artist’s Life by Mel Ahlborn

Magnificent Domes and Sacred Space
by Mary Jane Miller of Magnificent Domes and Sacred Space Modern scholars such as Joseph Campbell have argued that religion is derived from the word religare: re (again) +...
Magnificent Domes and Sacred Space
by Mary Jane Miller of Magnificent Domes and Sacred Space Modern scholars such as Joseph Campbell have argued that religion is derived from the word religare: re (again) +...

A Surprise In The Soul
The digital edition of the exhibition catalogue for “Fruits of the Spirit” offers an in-depth review of the approach taken by curator Ayla Lepine and editor Susanna Avery-Quash. Well-researched, the...
A Surprise In The Soul
The digital edition of the exhibition catalogue for “Fruits of the Spirit” offers an in-depth review of the approach taken by curator Ayla Lepine and editor Susanna Avery-Quash. Well-researched, the...

A Nobility of Feeling | Symbolist Painter | Geo...
Often misunderstood and most definitely overlooked by modern criticism, British Symbolist painter George F Watts is worth considering. His primary focus was less the realism of the subject before him...
A Nobility of Feeling | Symbolist Painter | Geo...
Often misunderstood and most definitely overlooked by modern criticism, British Symbolist painter George F Watts is worth considering. His primary focus was less the realism of the subject before him...

Awe is Good for You - Dacher Keltner via the Ne...
We already knew this on some level, didn't we? Awe - that feeling of being in the presence of someone or something much larger than ourselves - is actually a...
Awe is Good for You - Dacher Keltner via the Ne...
We already knew this on some level, didn't we? Awe - that feeling of being in the presence of someone or something much larger than ourselves - is actually a...

Fruits of the Spirit: Art from the Heart - Nati...
National Gallery London has mounted a provocative exhibition with just 18 paintings - 9 from the gallery's collections that curator Revd Dr Ayla Lepine has paired with 9 works from...
Fruits of the Spirit: Art from the Heart - Nati...
National Gallery London has mounted a provocative exhibition with just 18 paintings - 9 from the gallery's collections that curator Revd Dr Ayla Lepine has paired with 9 works from...

How to Paint Like Frank Bowling
Through a series of interactive videos and blog posts, The Tate Galleries UK invite viewers to try their hand at painting, collage, print-making and sculpture. The short easy-to-follow lessons open...
How to Paint Like Frank Bowling
Through a series of interactive videos and blog posts, The Tate Galleries UK invite viewers to try their hand at painting, collage, print-making and sculpture. The short easy-to-follow lessons open...